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    กแ Research Theme








    กแ Selected Publications




    Structural supercapacitor for future mobility


    Energy Storage Materials, 64, 103070, 2024


    Energy storage structural composites combine the function of storing energy with that of bearing mechanical load. Electrode and electrolyte components can simply be laminated to fabricate composite energy devices...read more



    Non-contact pyroelectric proximity sensor


    Nano Energy, 97, 107178, 2022


    Pyroelectric generators convert temperature fluctuations into useful electrical energy. We introduce here tosylate-doped poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT:Tos) as a high-performance, thermal radiation absorbing electrode for polyvinylidene difluoride, a pyroelectric material of choice among flexible polymers...read more



    High thermopower for liquid thermoelectrics


    Nano Energy, 31, 160-167, 2017


    Thermogalvanic cell (thermocell) represents a promising technology for converting low grade waste heat to electricity. For the cell to be attractive, however, the voltage generated for a given temperature difference has to be high. We report that the electrochemical thermopower can be more than doubled to 2.9 mV/K when an organic solvent with an appropriate solubility parameter is added to the aqueous electrolyte of ferri/ferrocyanide...read more


    High Efficiency Thermal Energy Harvester


    Nature Communications, 7, 10600, 2016


    Conversion of low-grade waste heat into electricity is an important energy harvesting strategy. However, abundant heat from these low-grade thermal streams cannot be harvested readily because of the absence of efficient, inexpensive devices that can convert the waste heat into electricity...read more


    Fundamentals: Waste Thermal Energy Harvester


    Advanced Functional Materials, 22, 477-489, 2012


    Nanocarbon-based thermocells are investigated as an alternative to conventional thermoelectrics for thermal energy harvesting. The dependencies of power output on thermocell parameters are examined to provide practical design elements...read more


    NanoMechanical Transducer


    Advanced Materials, 20 (16), 3131-3137, 2008


    We present an integrated approach for multilayered nanocomposite membrane made from layer-by-layer assembled polymers and single-wall carbon nanotubes. The integrated approach with bottom-up and top-down provides multifunctional molecular assemblies of tailored architectures and material properties...read more


    Sandwich-type Laminated Nanocomposites


    Advanced Materials, 19 (3), 427-432, 2007


    Here we report a novel layering approach for CNT/Cu laminated nanocomposites based on selective dip-coating of CNTs. Homogeoneous distribution of CNTs within the in-plane direction can be easily obtained by using a dip-coating of CNTs...read more